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Cleaning WTMP Entries with Ruby


My first ever public talk, given at the San Antonio Hacker’s Assocation monthly meetup back in 2019. I walked through a WTMP cleaner I’d made (Repo Here) and discussed the difficulties associated with operations artifact management and cleanup.

Presenting Bricks-in-The-Loop


My team and I managed Air Force’s Lego-based Industrial Control System Training Model Booth at DEFCON 27 and presented it to various folks who’d visited the booth, including Dark Tangent and Will Roper (Assistant secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics at the time).


Advanced Cyber Threat Emulation

Training, Air Force Cyber Command | USAF, 2018

Advanced Cyber Threat Emulation (ACTE) was a course created by myself to teach the members of the Air Force’s Enterprise Computer Emergency and Response Team’s (AFCERT) Threat Emulation Team the skills necessary to perform emulation-focused penetration tests of the United States Air Force’s various enterprise networks. This course acted as a qualification course that allowed them to perform their mission.

Introduction to IoT Exploitation

Training, San Antonio, 2021

Introduction to IoT exploitation serves as a primer to performing beginner-level IoT vulnerability research and exploitations.